We can offer interesting objets to radio broadcasters and qualified installers. Available there are FM transmitting antennas as dipole (GLG0188108 ) , yagi three elements antenna (G3D-FMLB) and for who want higher performances, log-periodic antennas.
Log-periodic system have known advantages: good gain, front-to-back ratio without equal and high directivity. These antennas both individually or in a complex diffusion systems are useful for radio broadcasters to solve their transmission problems in well defined area getting a good and a clear signal.
Wide band logaritmics antennas are available in two different weight and dimensions: one 6 elements antenna (GLG0688108) and another with seven elements heavier and for more 3kW powers (GLG0788108), Also available strictly band log antenna suitable for those who must work with isofrequencial networks for special applications.
In add to these products there is a 390-470MHz log-periodic antenna (GLG06390470) often used in transfer and link to link bridges especially abroad where FM band is not full as in Italy.
New SHF analogic radio link works at 2,4-2,5GHz with steps of 25kHz (RLA-2GHz TX-RX), is the subjet of our FM apparatus. We consider it very interesting both for his technical specification and for low selling price.
Suitable for this frequency range or in single or in double polarisation, we have a lot of antennas such as: corner reflector, yagi, log-periodic and parabolic dishes with various diameter.
It is also available a big and interesting range of accessories like coaxial cable, connectors, various type of power dividers all suitable for radio needs for transmission and link-to-link transport signals.
General broadcast know-how teaches that quality signal in FM transmission are very important. With good performance antennas TX transmitter can work better with lower power needs and coverage better the area interest of the radio station.
Please contact us for more info.
Thank You.
Geritel Srl
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