15 June 2017
Giomar is proud of being part of Appice, ( little owners of towers and infrastructures for Electronic Communications), with the aim of joining a lot of other little tower companies as Giomar is, which are owner of talc networks.
Since 2000 Giomar S.p.A. operates in Italy for the construction of sites, in according to new safety regulations and rules of good job edifications. Giomar S.p.A. with its towers, offers support to radio, television broadcasters and data networks companies.
The experience growth in development of networks on behalf of the major Italian TV broadcasters, it has generated a big know-how used to optimize the research of sites and consequent building of tower and cabin for equipments.
Today Giomar S.p.A. has an adequate number of towers useful for any kind of emissions or transfer of signals. Giomar S.p.A. network was built following the philosophy that each Giomar S.p.A. site must be connected with the other sites of the same network and it can be also interfaced with third party towers in order to create a larger structure. This is because each Giomar S.p.A. site is placed in strategically positions to cover larger areas of the North-West Italy.
Considering the relationship with the customer of Fundamental Importance, Giomar S.p.A. conceived is in complete satisfaction of customer requirements, conjugating political trades with the kind of commercial requirement of the ISO 9000 Quality System Following the rules.
Currently Giomar S.p.A. operates according to ISO 9000 Quality System Certification since 2003, and now it is following new rules UNI EN ISO 9001-2008.
Giomar S.p.A. provides telecommunication devices and services, such as research, construction, installation, activation and maintenance of radio electric devices. Giomar S.p.A. is opened to international markets, with Geritel France Sarl, which provides FM radio networks especially in motorways sector.
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