switch off the analogical signal.
Group of technicians including our external teams are installing, wiring and switching on transmitters useful to spread channel bouquet to customers.
Although Broadcasters are been scrupulous in changing their apparatus investing a lot of economical resources to transmit a good digital signal.
Certainly, anyone has considered that a commitment of considerable work and money strengths can be partially or totally undermined by bad system antennas.
Although DVB-T standard transmission is more strength in image managing, because error bit lower than 3-5% of total are rebuilt making an average value of flow transmitted, DVB-T can include a lot of error generated by old typical antennas.
Actual antennas have sometimes more of 20 years old.
It means these antennas can introduce some errors between phases which can failure transmission or receiving signal, e.g. for repeaters mountain apparatus.
Low “front to back” ratio can influence iso-frequencial TV networks when are mounted yagi or classic panel TV radiant elements. As a result of this it can be possible to see interference signals extend to the same network, with result of loss of iso frequencial reference and go out of some transmission site.
For these reasons we have done two logartmic antenna types, with good gain, high “front to back” ratio and very interesting phase linearity in each open band. These antennas are very suitable for DVB-T standard signals.
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Vestibulum tempor nunc nec felis scelerisque eget elementum erat dignissim. Ut vel ipsum mollis orci venenatis luctus. Aenean vehicula quam vel quam porttitor ac iaculis elit pulvinar. Proin consequat, ipsum eu venenatis semper, justo turpis posuere tortor, ac placerat metus nisl et lectus. Nulla cursus dui id nunc ullamcorper sed semper nisl lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus arcu ante, imperdiet in ornare sed, laoreet eu massa.